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He’s averaged 25.4 disposals, with a kicking efficiency of 67 per cent and an AFL ranking of 8.1 – excessive for the first-year player. Horne-Francis comes with an average of 17.0 disposals in a single fewer game and a kicking efficiency of 57.9. His AFL rating is 6.5, which sites him 18th at the dismal Kangaroos, in comparison to Daicos’ 16th among Magpies. Over the first 13 rounds, it’s been Horne-Francis, not Daicos, who has happen to be saddled with an unreasonable expectation. It really is Horne-Francis, the stepson of a lesser-known ex-Melbourne, Brisbane, and Port Adelaide person , who has carried the hopes of his club, not Collingwood’s son of their former top gun.
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